DACCAA is part of The Westwood Franklin family.

Our history

We have a long and complex history. If you would like to read a more in-depth account, you can read our The evolution of DACCAA: from True Smile to DACCAA Ltd article. We are always working on new and better things, we will update this periodically.


True Smile

True Smile was born! A computer club that was run by Danny and his friend Andrew. This name lasted about a week and was changed to "DAACC" meaning "Danny and Andrew's computer club". Danny was about ten years old and providing additional lunchtime IT classes for year four students.

True Smile


Dacca Search

“DAACC” became “Dacca” because it looked nicer and read softer. Andrew showed Danny a website called “Blackle” that aimed to take on Google but with a full dark mode theme. The idea being that it would save energy by using a fully black design. This inspired Danny to find out how he could do this and for Danny to try and make his own version. Danny quickly found out about GCSE (Google Custom Search Engine) and had an early version running. DACCAA Search was the very first service Danny had ever made.



DACCAA became the new spelling and stylisation of the brand name. After a year I had realised that Dacca was the former spelling of the capital of Bangladesh — now Dhaka. This posed a problem; I could never possibly compete with the capital of Bangladesh for traffic and as such my little project site would never be discovered. It was at this point I decided that the perfect solution to this would be to add the additional “a” onto the end thus making it DACCAA.

3rd May 2020

It became official

Danny had just finished university and met Ethan. They agreed to take DACCAA from a project website and turn it into a full business to provide website development locally.

Danny and Ethan shaking hands.

4th May 2020

Westwood Franklin

Westwood Franklin was started as a clothes brand designed and made by Ethan and Danny.

3rd July 2020

DACCAA Studios

DACCAA Studios was started to handle all our app development and game development plans.

30th July 2020

Elements Fitness & Wellbeing

DACCAA completes our first real project with Elements Fitness & Wellbeing in Stafford.

Danny, Carl, and Ethan pose for a photo.

March 2021


We started building BritishChocolates.uk to provide people with British chocolates in Europe.

27th September 2021

DACCAA's first apps

DACCAA launches 'Birthday Reminders by DACCAA' and 'DACCAA Library' as iOS apps on the same day. Marking the first apps of DACCAA's to be released.

17th January 2022

Guess the flag

DACCAA launches 'Guess the flag by DACCAA' a fun flag guessing game with Game Center integration.

20th April 2022

Bounce Patrol Inflatables

DACCAA completes our first large booking website. Bounce Patrol Inflatables required a bespoke booking system and this was the first DACCAA had ever made.

12th July 2022

Free workshops

DACCAA works with the University of Wolverhampton in Stafford to deliver a collection of free tech-based workshops to the local community.

October 2022


DACCAA launches DACCAA Cards — a brand new way to buy cards and shop for amazing unique designs made by artists from all around the world.

4th February 2023

DACCAA becomes limited

DACCAA becomes a limited company officially becoming DACCAA Ltd.

19th March 2023

DACCAA Cards becomes Westwood Franklin

In an effort to simplify our offerings, we decided to move DACCAA Cards to Westwood Franklin. DACCAA is now just website design/development, app development, and service creation.

7th April 2023

Westwood Franklin becomes limited

Westwood Franklin has officially become Westwood Franklin Ltd.

9th February 2025


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