DACCAA is part of The Westwood Franklin family.

Welcome to our new blog!

We decided to create a brand new blog for DACCAA. We wanted to ensure that our blog functions quickly and looks good. So we built our own blog from scratch. We made our very own lightweight blogging web app that is custom written just for this website.

Welcome to our new blog!

Why did we create our own blog?

We used to use WordPress for our blog but after having multiple issues with the blog, we decided to write our own. We had issues with the design no longer being consistent with other parts of the website, we had issues with WordPress not functioning properly, we had issues with plugins causing issues with the whole blog and we just decided that was enough.

A screenshot of some of the new DACCAA Blog code

What will change?

Not a lot for you, the user. We will have a nice new modern design and should post more frequently. We hope to provide relevant information for the business world and tech world combined.